
Chinese, Simplified(简体中文)

Methodology of safety安全方法论 

•Step1 highlight weakness and stop workplace deterioration 关注于弱点,阻止工作场所安全状况的恶化
•Step2 eliminate weakness, define and maintain workplace conditions 去除弱点,定义与维护工作场所的安全状况
•Step3 highlight causes for potential accidents 关注于潜在的事故源
•Step4 highlight causes and improvement for workplace ergonomic 关注于工作场所工效学的改善
Methodology of Environment环境方法论
•Step1&2 data collection and deployments of environment indicators 环境指标的数据收集与分解
•Step3 current situation understanding and improvement 现状的了解与改善
•Step4&5 anomalies data collection 异常数据的收集
•Accidents 事故
•Certificates 认证
•Energy consumption 能源消耗
•Recycling 回收


•Pillar leader / members 支柱领导和成员
•Boards 支柱板状况
•Tools 工具运用
•Accident analysis 事故分析
•Pillar skill matrix 支柱技能矩阵
•No. of trainers and training material developed 开发的培训员人数和培训资料数