ebook: production and operations management

The second edition of the book Production and Operations Management incorporatesseveral suggestions offered by our colleagues and students all over the country.In this edition we have endeavored to strengthen the basic characteristics of the book. Thesubject matter has been presented systematically in ten chapters, which can enable the reader tomaster the topics covered without any additional guidance. In keeping with the basic objective ofmaking the learning of the ‘Concept and Principles in Production and Operations Management’, thefollowing chapters have been revised as per the suggestions.Chapter 1 on Introduction to POM was revised with the addition of Managing GlobalOperations with the concept of globalization. Chapter 2 on Plant Location and Layout wasrevised with locational models and the design of product and process layout. Service layout wasalso included. Chapter 4 on Materials Management was revised with the addition of specialpurchasing system. Chapter 6 on Quality Control was revised with the addition of ISO 14000series along with the recognized bodies for ISO certification. Chapter 8 on MaintenanceManagement was revised with the concept of Total Preventive Maintenance.The revised edition also contains Caselets which provides additional input to understand thesubject with practical application of the techniques used in each chapter.For the development of application skill of the theoretical knowledge of production and operationmanagement, it is necessary to arrange for a visit or conduct the project work either by individualor group of students in a manufacturing or service organisation.In this context the revised edition contains skill development/practicals in each chapter. Forthis purpose the students are adviced to visit a Fast Food Restaurant like Pizza Hut or Pizza Cornerfor getting the information for the questions given under skill development in each chapter.In addition to the caselet, cases are given to understand the entire concept of production andoperations management at the end of the book.Complete care has been taken to make the book error free. However, mistakes might havecrept inadvertently. Readers finding any error are requested to bring it to our notice, for enablingus to rectify them in our future editions.We are grateful to New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, and the editorial departmentfor their untiring effort to publish the book within a short span of time with a nice get up.Our acknowledgements are also due to Dr. Poornima Anil Kumar and Mrs. BharathiSuresh, without whose support and sacrifice this work would not have been completed by thedeadline.Finally, our acknowledgement is due to the Almighty who has blessed us with the knowledge,required for writing this book.


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