WCM: The deployment of pillars

Requires 100000 POINTS in the General category.

Cost reduction pillar



To support the right decision concerning cost. Providing production cost risk analysis, identifying action to prevent cost increase, defining cost management policies and mapping investments and Kaizen activities priorities.

cost reduction route


1.Provide information analysis on main processes to prioritize and attack factory losses

2. Achieve total processing cost target

Cost pillar audit


cost method audit

Progression and result

Cost result audit


Cost pillar target

Cost pillar target


Cost pillar target achievement

Cost pillar target achievement


Education and training


Basic step: 1, Evaluate situation and strategy; 2, Idetify training needs; 3, Training and appraisal.

Education and training pillar of TPM

If Man-Method losses need to be reduced, an E & T team should be awaken.

Advanced E&T pillar

Requires 100000 POINTS in the General category.

Education and training audit

Requires 60000 POINTS in the General category.

Skill matrix template



This is only part of the skill matrix. We develop skill matrix for PM pillar, AM pillar, QM pillar etc. If you'd like more information or support, please contact macrolake management.Skill matrix template

What is E & T role? RACI


Responsible - Those who do work to achieve the task. There can be multiple resources responsible.
Accountable - (Also Approver) The resource ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the task. There must be exactly one A specified for each task.
Consulted - Those whose opinions are sought. Two-way communication.
Informed - Those who are kept up-to-date on progress. One-way communication.

When and how launch an E&T team?


When should we launch an E&T team? 
When  Man & Method losses need to be reduced.
When should we not launch an E&T team? 
When training is not relevant to Man & Method losses.
Training objective is to increase awareness
Training method is distributing OPLs only.

Environment impact reduction


To optimize environmental conditions, reduce energy consumption and improve EPIs.
Establish Environmental management system to reduce energy consumption and make sure to achieve 100% waste recycling.
Committed to the following environmental policy:
-   Follow all applicable global, national and local legislation and regulations when it comes to environmental protection.
-   Maintain ISO14001 system, which ensures continual improvement in the aspects of environmental  performance. -   Manages waste properly, including maximizing recycling of factory waste.
-   Formulate and improve the environmental objectives to make efficient use of resources  and to minimize the environmental pollution.

-   Ensure  all staff understand and follow legislation and our environmental system and are well informed  about our environmental affairs.  

Environment impact reduction audit

Requires 6000 POINTS in the General category.

Quality maintenance Pillar

QM route and planZero Defect



Advanced Quality Pillar


Quality maintenance Pillar audit

Requires 600 POINTS in the General category.