Bill Gates is far, far richer than you. And in case you needed a reminder, here are 10 facts that better demonstrate just how insanely rich he is.
Bill Gates earns $250 every second. That's about $20 million a day and $7.8 billion a year.
If Bill Gates dropped a thousand dollars, it wouldn't be worth his time to pick it up because he will have made it back within 4 seconds.
The US national debt is about $5.62 trillion dollars. If Bill Gates were to pay the debt by himself it would be paid off in 10 years.
If Bill Gates gave everyone on Earth $10, he'd still have $2.26 billion left.
If Bill Gates was a country, he would be the 37th richest country on earth. There are 196 countries.
If you changed all of Bill Gate's money to $1 notes, you can make a road from earth to moon, 14 times back and forth. But you have to make that road non-stop for 1,400 years and use a total of 713 Boeing 747 planes to transport all the money.
At a spending rate of $1 million a day, it would take Bill Gates 218 years to spend all his money.
Bill Gates pays $1 million per year in property taxes for his house.
If Michael Jordan didn't drink and eat, and kept up his annual income, he'd have to wait for 277 years to become as rich as Bill Gates is now.
Bill Gates has donated more than $26 billion of his money. Currently 1,645 of the 7.125 billion people in the world have made $1 billion dollars.