Lets talk about probiotics, what goes in to them and how or if they can help your health. In the past I was traveling on plains on a weekly basis. I was working in the supplement industry, so I was familiar with health supplements. Probiotics were new, and there was no such thing as Activia. Before it was named probiotics we referred to them as good bacteria. We knew that you body needed to have good bacteria to maintain your health. For some reason or another I was sick after traveling fairly regularly. I would go to the Dr. get put on antibiotics. Notice the prefix “anti”. I would get better, but sick again a few days or weeks later.
I was amazed, and started looking more into why these bacteria werre helping my health. I found out the almost all meat is pumped full of antibiotics. Which we ingest and it kills off the “Good” biotics. Now whenever to ingest a bad bacteria or breath it in and it gets in your gut, it goes and causes you to get sick. Probiotics help keep your intestinal track balances and which leads to better health and for me less colds and sickness.I spoke with a friend of mine in the industry and I asked how it was that he never got sick and he was traveling as much as I
was. He said he was using a supplement that was a probiotic. He then
proceeded to get me 6 bottles, a 6 month supply. TO make a long story short I stopped getting sick. Sure I still got a cold here and there, but nothing like I was.
The probiotic I use is Perfect Origins PerfectBiotic. And what's yours?
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