Effective feedback

When we feedback the things to our direct report, we can use:
S ituation: Describe the particular circumstances in which the example you want to feedback occurred. You will be using this to highlight the context and demonstrate that you own the feedback by being a witness to it.
B ehaviour: Be specific about the behaviour. Quote the words used if possible, and describe the non-verbal language used as well, if appropriate. It is important that you remain factual and do not include or imply judgement.
I mpact: Describe the impact of effect the behaviour referred to above had -either on you, another colleague/client or on the situation you were all in. Again, there should be no judgement here, but if impact was a bad one, you need to be able to be clear about that.
SBI types: Motivational and developmental.
Remember not to use "Shit Sandwich" to address SBI.  (Positive beginning + but developmental SBI + Positive ending)
